Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer Happenings

Hiking at painted rock-this was a hike that I got a lot closer to a rattle snake then I prefer to be

Tennis Camp for Conor

Swimming lessons for Josie-she learned so much and is a regular fish

We went to the pool several times...Daddy even came with us once and that was a special treat

A quick moment that Conor was by me so I could snap a picture.  His head is usually under water

The weekly summer movie series.  We were so busy this summer that we missed a lot, but we got to enjoy a few. 

Many afternoons were spent in the backyard with the hose and water fun. 

Conor got to squeeze in a week of swimming lessons.  He was able to learn some strokes this year which is nice

Lincoln playing with what? Cars of course.  What a trooper, he came along for all the fun summer activities.  He is the greatest cheerleader.
Our very own famous Boy Scout Conor-On a whim I sent Conor's picture into the boy scout office when they were looking for the new face of the Inland Northwest campaign.  I was shocked when they called and wanted him to be their man!  We went downtown for a photo shoot.  Next time you are in one of our local grocery stores you might see a life size paper cut out of Conor smiling at you. 
Conor at his photo shoot. 


The Witt Family said...

How cool is that! Conor didn't even tell me that cool news! He is a very handsome boy scout! What a fun summer you guys had!

Darren and Stephanie said...

Such a good looking boy! Of course they'd want him as their poster child. And holy cow Lincoln has changed so much since we saw him last.