Tuesday, September 10, 2013

More camping

We were able to get out camping one more time this summer -yay! This time we ended up at Lions Head Campground up at Priest Lake. The cool thing about this campground is that you can get some spots that are accessible to the waters edge and if you have a boat you can pull it up fairly close to your site...and yet your site is still all foresty. We were planning on the Wilson's joining us, but work got in the way for them so it was just us Kellogg's. We did a lot of hiking, and lots of lake/beach playing. We did the good old camp fire and we even had some rain to spice things up.  Priest Lake is one of those inland Northwest Jewels, a beautiful place to spend some time with the ones you love.
-This was a rain delay camp fire-the weather got icky about 11:30.  The timing was perfect.  We had just finished hiking and so we got our lunch out and enjoyed our camp site while we waited for it to blow over.

-This was one of the pretty views we encountered on our hike up to the natural water slides

-Some of the lower natural waterslides

-Lincoln looking down on the gorgeous view

-Lincoln, Conor and Josie playing in the beautiful white sand on the edge of Priest Lake

Walking along the dock deciding where they were going to jump off

-we spent a good hour at the end of this dock dumping sand off and watching it trickle to the bottom.  There was just something about the clear clear water, the color of the sand and the reflection of the sun on the water that was mesmerizing.

-Josie and Conor doing a little log rolling

-Lincoln and Mom enjoying snack time

-Late afternoon hike that wound through the trees then planted you at the waters edge.

Conor and Josie walking across the log bridge

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