Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cub Scout Graduate and Derby

Speaking of kid milestones, Conor reached a big one on Thursday.  He received his Arrow Of Light, which is basically the Eagle of Cub Scouting. The presentation of this award is neat, they paint your face with colors, with each one representing parts of the Scout motto, and they turn out the lights and give glow necklaces and make it a cool ceremony.  He graduated from Webelos with every single badge available, and last but not least he took 3rd place in the Pinewood Derby.

Conor has always enjoyed the scouting program and really excels at the activities and requirements. We are so grateful for wonderful, wonderful leaders this year, Brother and Sister Hunt, and we are so proud of Conor and his perseverance. 2 thumbs up to Conor and Daddy for the 3rd place finish in the Derby. This is our best showing yet, thank you Hobby Town for a little assistance. We also were finally able to bring home the life size Conor cardboard cutout. No one would ever give us one, and one of his leaders snagged one from a conference and we were thrilled to bring the Conor twin into our home.
-Conor pointing to his cool derby car
-Getting it ready to race

-Lincoln and Jaggger with front row spots to watch the cars whiz by

-Conor getting his many many awards

-Arrow of Light face painting

-Conor and Brother and Sister Hunt-the greatest Webelo leaders ever!

-Conor, his mini me, and all his awardsThe inland Northwest will never have a cuter face for their cub scout campaign. 
-The spoils

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I love the face paint! I'm the Cub Scout Master and I've been wanting to incorporate something like that into our troop. I think I'm going to try that starting next year after the summer break.

And is that really him in the cutout? I must have missed that story somehow. How did they pick him - that's amazing!