Saturday, March 8, 2014

It's official...My baby has left the house

For months I have been trying to talk Lincoln into sitting on the toilet. He was very very against the idea. Well, one magic day...he woke up and said "I need to go potty." Who knows what made him suddenly decide it was OK, but once he decided, we were golden. He had the system figured out in no time and I can honestly say it took about 1 day and 1 accident and no more diapers at our house. YESSS!!!! Just a few days later we moved Lincoln into a big boy bed. Out with the crib and in with the big bed. We bought Josie a new bed and Lincoln got Josie's bed and there were smiles all around. The first night I tucked him into the new bed, I got a little catch in my throat, he was so proud of himself and so excited. He looked so grown up, the first of the many kid milestones, when you are so happy for them, but you know that there is no turning back and a little bit of childhood is being left behind. Time has no mercy.
-Thumbs up for the big boy bed

-No more diapers!  Big boy underwear on the head and bum.

-Josie in her loft bed, this doubles as a castle and fort and wherever their imagination goes

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